When a bowl is broken in Japan, it is put together with the
cracks being filled with gold. Creating a beautiful lining. This is to
emphasize the beauty in what was once broken they believe that when something
has suffered damage and has a history, it makes it more beautiful and the same
goes for human beings.
Everything that you've been through doesn't make your life
uglier although it may seem that way when we're going through it, it's up to us
to choose to paint or struggle with gold and make it beautiful. You are not
broken beyond repair, you can pick yourself up and become a better person from
it because of the struggle that you've been through you can wear your scars
proudly as a badge of honor as if to say 'look at what I’ve been through. I can
get through anything life puts in front of me now.'
Nobody has had a
perfect life and nobody ever will. It's only up to us if we choose to paint or
broken pieces gold and make it beautiful. Don't be ashamed of what's happened
to you. Everything that is happened to you has happened to you for a reason. So
the more we deny, the more we complain and don't accept what's happened to us
then it doesn't become useful. The moment that we accept and find what's useful
in the struggle the things that we've been through, that's just like us
painting the cracks in our broken pieces gold.
Turning something
that could be ugly into something beautiful and inspiring. When what you have
been through is inspiration other people then it was all worth it.so don't get
stuck on how things used to be.
I once heard the quote that says "every next level of
your life will demand a new you." and sometimes it takes to being broken
in order to become that new version of yourself.so if you're going through hard
times, I hope this story could help you or somebody that you love.
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